is Muhammad Mentioned in Old Testament ?
is Muhammad Mentioned in Old Testament ? The allegation that Muhammad, the alleged prophet of the religion of Islam, is…
Informative Blog
is Muhammad Mentioned in Old Testament ? The allegation that Muhammad, the alleged prophet of the religion of Islam, is…
Hebrew Bible Permits Jews to Kill and Rape This is truly disgusting. A passage from the hebrew bible apparently permits…
Are Religions Man Made ? Arguments that suggest that religions are man-made Arguments proposed to support the idea that religions…
Immorality and Violence in Jewish Talmud (Soferim 15) Even the best of Goyim should all be killed. (Yebamoth 98a) All…
Dinler İnsan İcadı mı : İslam, Hristiyanlık, Yahudilik ve diğer tüm dinler insanlar tarafından mı uyduruldu ? Bu soru dinin…