Does Turkey Have Nuclear Weapon?


Does Turkey Have Nuclear Weapon? Is Turkiye among the states that can produce nuclear weapon?

No, Turkey does not have nuclear weapons. However, Turkey is a member of NATO and participates in NATO’s nuclear sharing program. Under this arrangement, the United States deploys nuclear weapons in several NATO countries, including Turkey. These weapons are under U.S. control, but in the event of a conflict, they can be delivered by the host country’s aircraft.

The Incirlik Air Base in Turkey is one of the locations where U.S. nuclear weapons are believed to be stored. The exact number and type of these weapons are not publicly disclosed, but they are typically thought to be B61 gravity bombs.

It’s important to note that Turkey is also a signatory of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which aims to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

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